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Level Up Your Life

Coming soon - Subscribe for Release Updates Below

If you've graduated, or want to get started early, we're here to help you maximise your potential outside of university. 

Coming soon, are instant access resources on some areas we work on in 1:1 sessions. Less tailored & interactive, but more accessible & will have no waiting list.

Australian FY3

-Learn what region might be right for you

-Access a list of employers to contact cut out the middle man of agencies

-Digital resources to make navigating immigration quicker & easier

-Materials for setting up when you get there to make the most of your time!

Professional Portfolio & CV Workshop

-Maximise points for academic/specialty applications in the least amount of time

-What to include in a professional portfolio & CV & how to create these

documents for optimal success

-Digital resources included for portfolio construction and maintenance.

Finance Fundamentals

Gain the knowledge & plans to avoid having to work until you're 70!

-Understand your finances, taxes & cashflow

-Decode payslips.

-Learn the principles of saving & investing to facilitate early retirement

FY3 in Australia

Professional Portfolio & CV Workshop

Finance Fundamentals